Purpose of The Global NASH Council™ (GNC):
Purpose of the Liver Patient Reported Outcomes (LPRO):
The Liver Patient Reported Outcomes (LPRO) has pioneered research in development and validation of disease specific health related quality of life and other PRO instruments in liver disease. LPRO maintains a number of validated disease specific PRO instruments for different types of liver diseases. These instruments have been developed in English and formally translated in a number of langauages.
Assessment of patient reported outcomes is a part of better understanding the comprehensive burden of a chronic disease on patient’s health and well-being. PRO assessment with validated instruments allows better understanding the impact of liver disease and its treatment on patients’ experience. PRO assessment should include aspects of physical, emotional, social and mental well-being. Additionally, chronic diseases such as liver disease can affect patients’ work productivity with its economic impact on patients, their families and the society.
PROs assessment can be disease specific or generic. The disease specific instruments are developed for specific diseases and are more responsive to change as a result of treatment or natural history of the disease. For patients with liver disease Chronic Liver Disease Questionnaire (CLDQ) and its subtypes have been developed and are used in a large number of clinical trials and clinical research. In contrast, generic instruments are less responsive to change but allows comparison of different chronic diseases. Finally, health utilities are assessment of health status for patients with different diseases. These utilities are used in economic analysis to quality of life adjust the outcomes. Contact Us